Timber the unrecognised “essential” resource

“Marketing terminology is a powerful tool that can be used to influence opinions and justify policies. Historically, mining has been something governments have rarely promoted. Of late, however, we are regularly hearing terms such as “critical”, “vital” or even “essential” with respect to mining certain minerals. This is providing our governments with a platform to gain public support for the imminent expansion of mining operations to provide technology and infrastructure as our nation moves to a more carbon-friendly future.”

Anthony Mayer

Anthony is a digital strategy consultant who specialises in connecting people with cloud-based tools and web solutions.

He combines existing and emerging technologies with best practices, budget capacity, and human capability to help businesses and community groups innovate. Anthony is Founder of Online is Easy, based in Gippsland, Victoria, Australia.


A Step Towards a Greener Future – Official Launch of Report – Recommendations for Australian Government


Australian ingenuity turns the age-old tradition of sawmilling on its head